Engaging young children from birth to age five and their families as they discover the words that are all around them.

About Buzzword

Through Buzzword's interactive learning opportunities that encourage imagination, investigation, creation, and reflection, families can expand their young children's vocabulary and conversation skills to support their early literacy development and learning. Available to families throughout Allegheny County, Buzzword is an initiative led by Trying Together in partnership with Allegheny County Family Centers and local arts and sciences organizations.

Historically, Buzzword has been offered through in-person events in the Homewood and Hazelwood communities in Pittsburgh. When the COVID-19 pandemic emerged, Buzzword transitioned to continue supporting young children's early literacy development and learning. Since spring of 2020, Buzzword has produced more than a dozen "BUZZ Boxes" themed around specific words with each providing copies of related books, hands-on activities and corresponding materials, and digital resources.


  1. Be Present! Use pictures, words, and definitions to investigate art, math, and science. Engage your child’s curiosity by saying new words, repeating them, and explaining their meanings.

  2. Be Playful! Have fun with vocabulary. To make words come to life you can talk, write, read, play, and sing with your child.

  3. Be Proactive! Your child is curious. Explore fun and easy activities that take one word and build upon it. Your child's world will open up – there will always be new words, fresh meanings, and exciting ways to apply them to everyday life.


Buzzword is made possible by PNC Grow Up Great® and The Allegheny County Department of Human Services.