
specialized functions or mechanism (such as sight, hearing, smell, taste, or touch)

The BUZZ Box word is SENSES.

Exploring with our SENSES is the first way we start to figure out the world around us. As infants, we use touch and taste to gain understanding; we use sight and sound to differentiate, and smell connects us to memories. Using multiple SENSES at once is how we create preferences like our favorite foods or our favorite things to feel, like an itchy, wool sweater or the soft fur of a bunny.

SENSES Activity Book

Buzzword designed this activity book to inspire families to keep learning together. Buzzword chose activities that build on your child’s natural curiosity, encouraging a growing vocabulary and a deeper engagement with books. First, read through I Hear a Pickle: and Smell, See, Touch, & Taste It, Too!, written by Rachel Isadora, with your child.

Then, go through the different activities, experiments, and ideas together, taking time to explain the meaning of the words and connecting them to your child’s real-life experiences.

SENSES Book Lists

Personalized recommendations just for you from Buzzword and Carnegie Library of Pittsburgh!

The Buzzword collaborative develops a supporting list of books that captures the feeling and meaning of that box’s Buzzword. With so many fun, educational books out there, it’s hard to include them all in one box.

Here are a few books on our Buzzword, SENSES, that you can find online or at your local library:

Ears, Nose, Eyes… Surprise! by Sarah Jones

I See, I Touch… by Giuliano Ferri

See, Touch, Feel: ROAR: A First Sensory Book by Roger Priddy

This Beach is Loud! by Samantha Cotterill

I Hear a Pickle (and Smell, See, Touch, and Taste It, Too!) by Rachel Isadora

Our SENSES communicate important information, like if it is cold and we need to wear a jacket, or if a delicious treat is baking in the oven. All of this sensory information can be overwhelming, so exploring how our SENSES work may help children to process the sound, sight, taste, touch, and smell of the busy world around them.

Here are six books that explore our SENSES, all available through Carnegie Library of Pittsburgh.

SENSES Playlist

Check out some popular songs from Buzzword centered around the five SENSES!