Pennsylvania Center for the Book Announces 2024 Baker’s Dozen Booklist Selections

The Pennsylvania Center for the Book has included 13 books for its 21st annual “A Baker’s Dozen: The Best Children’s Books for Family Literacy.”

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The 2024 edition of the booklist was compiled by a panel of children’s literature experts who chose from among the many children’s books published in the previous calendar year.

This year’s selection includes:

  • 10 Dogs (Emily Gravett)

  • ABC and You and Me (Corinna Luyken)

  • Bear With Me (Kerascoet, Sebastian Cosset, and Marie Pommepuy)

  • The Concrete Garden (Bob Graham)

  • How to Count to ONE (And Don’t Even THINK About Bigger Numbers!) (Caspar Salmon)

  • I Am a Dragon! A Squabble and a Quibble (Sabina Hahn)

  • If I Was a Horse (Sophie Blackall)

  • The Kitten Story (Emily Jenkins)

  • Mr. S (Monica Arnaldo)

  • Night in the City (Julie Downing)

  • Ruffles and the Cozy, Cozy Bed (David Melling)

  • Simon and the Better Bone (Corey R. Tabor)

  • You Go First (Ariel Bernstein)

More information on the books as well as selection criteria, annotations, and tips for using them are on the A Baker’s Dozen website.


The Pennsylvania Center for the Book, an affiliate of the Center for the Book at the Library of Congress, encourages state residents to study, honor, celebrate, and promote books, libraries, and literacy. 


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