to partake of, use, experience, occupy, or enjoy with others
The BUZZ Box word is SHARE.
What better way to show that we care than to SHARE with our friends, family, and community!? At Buzzword, we recognize that when we SHARE our toys, food, experiences, and stories, we are opening up a greater connection to the people around us. Sharing can sometimes be difficult, but doing so can show others that you love them.
What things can you SHARE with your friends today?
Ask your child why it is important to SHARE with others, and how they feel when someone SHAREs with them!
SHARE Activity Book
Buzzword designed this activity book to inspire families to keep learning together. Buzzword chose activities that build on your child’s natural curiosity, encouraging a growing vocabulary and a deeper engagement with books. First, read through “My Food, Your Food, Our Food” written by Emma Carlson Berne, with your child. Then, go through the different activities, experiments, and ideas together, taking time to explain the meaning of the words and connecting them to your child’s real-life experiences.
SHARE Book Lists
Personalized recommendations just for you from Buzzword and Carnegie Library of Pittsburgh!
The Buzzword collaborative develops a supporting list of books that captures the feeling and meaning of that box’s Buzzword. With so many fun, educational books out there, it’s hard to include them all in one box.
Here are a few books on our Buzzword, SHARE, that you can find online or at your local library:
The Sun is a Shine
by Leslie A. Davidson
Say Hello! by Rachel Isadora
Same, Same but Different
by Jenny Sue Kostecki-Shaw
My City Speaks
by Darren Lebeuf
Our Favorite Day of the Year
by A.E. Ali
My Food, Your Food, Our Food
by Emma Carlson Berne
Making connections through shared experiences, like food, songs, and traditions can help children better understand the world around them. Real life connections can be lots of fun, but it’s also possible (and easy!) to meet new people in the pages of a book.
Here are some of Carnegie Library of Pittsburgh’s favorite titles about the word SHARE to help support your explorations.
PBT’S Dance the Story: My Food, Your Food, Our Food, led by Kerra Alexander and accompanied by Dave O’Brien!
Our friends from Pittsburgh Ballet Theatre want to share a dance with you!
You can find the song that you will dance to in the back of the book “My Food, Your Food, Our Food” by Emma Carlson Berne.
Check out the following video from Pittsburgh Ballet Theatre and SHARE your favorite dance moves with your early reader, friends, or family!